ARLINGTON HOUSE, LEE HOUSE, ARLINTON CEMETERY ARLINGTON HOUSE FRONT CAPITOL DOME FROM HVC Arlington Cemetery Arlington Cemetery-Pentagon 4 Jan 2020 Arlington Cemetery internment FROM MY CAMERA POSITON 03 JAN 2021-117TH CONGRESS SWORN IN FROM CANNON HOB 9pm 6-7-8 Jan 2020 Cannon Lives Camera driving home... Protest fence surrounding the Capitol 9 Jan 2020-0830 09 JAN 2020- National Guard 9 JAN 2020- Press setup across from the Capitol for morning lives sunrise White House lives Pres. Trump's last Marine One flight from the White House to Andrews AFB... sunrise on the dome Kerry talking with the guard... Dirksen Senate Office Bld. on left color guard rehearsal walking to work from my hotel The best Photog on the hill! looking back at 400 N Capitol, Home of many news operations, FNC, NBC, Cspan.. etc. NATIONAL ARCHIVES MUSEUM 16 JANUARY 2021